Brian Huey



Perpetual is an ongoing research project as well as a story of adventure, conspiracy and, well, love & hate, good & evil . . .

So, thanks goes out to friends,family and colleagues; to professionals in certain disciplines like law enforcement, forensics and military; to many folks living and gone that offered knowledge and expertise adding just the right flavors to every page.

"Above all, I thank my Lord, the author and finisher of my faith."  —Hebrews 12:2 NKJV

on the 17 agencies of the US Intelligence community, but was most concerned about SoBe the German Shepherd and. the father and son relationships. RIP, Mort. Thank you for your service to our country.

Jim Cotton who once said, “It’s good, but don’t give up your day job.” Good advise back then.

John Rego / since the sandbox, the best kind of friend. I dropped the first manuscript into his car at the HS reunion. He said it busted a shock. Diane (1959 – 2018)

Mike Meacher / For his depth of knowledge, especially in the area of firearms and those that use them.

Agent and Manager Shirley Reading : Tha goal againn le cheile air Alba. Appropriately my first reader, and critic. My first agent. My encouragement and reality check.

James E. Huey (1930–2016) was born and raised in the mining towns of Pennsylvania. Pop contributed sixty years of service to other veterans. He was an avid reader. When Dad liked Perpetual, I knew there was hope. 

And my mother. 

Darlee Anderson Huey is a southern bell, born in Petal, Mississippi. She met Dad in 1954 while visiting Aunt Alice in Cleveland, Ohio. It was part of a family conspiracy. Mom is a faith filled woman, tremendously creative, an avid photographer, and an amateur botanist and ornithologist. 

In gathering the details to tell the tale of the Jackson’s and Eaton’s, and their quest to make the world a better place, any mistakes remain my own. 

Regarding debts that cannot be repaid, thank you to my family, friends, and associates who have contributed their wisdom, expertise, patience, and time to deliver the Perpetual series of novels to you. 

Good things to come Thank you

Professional research advice: 
Many of those mentioned here and in the next column offered their professional services and advice:

Carolyn Souther, photographer and friend. Thanks for the horse! Thanks a lot.

Jacob Bigham. A genius. Cover artist Perpetual 1st Edion (c) 2008.

Benjamin Hutchens. Cover artist for Perpetual Search 2nd edition (c) 2018; Perpetual Assassins (c) 2018 ; Perpetual Abducted (c) 2018

Sue Fox/ London/ UK.  Linguistics professional. Cockney slang. She correctly ascertains that Val Hare speaks an exagerated Cockney that would not be heard on the streets of East London.

OCME : Holly Olko, Lead Investigator/ Connecticut.

OCME: Lauren Brill, D-ABMDI: Registered Diplomate of American Board of Medicolegal Death Investigators, Snohomish County, Washington.

Brian Espinosa – Manager/Agent/Producer at Optimism Entertainment
William Blaylock – Manager/Agent/ Optimism Entertainment
Gilbert Adler – Adler Productions/ Producer (Superman Returns/ Valkerie/ Constantine among many others.
Antonia Bogdanovich/ Producer and Writer

Heather Collings Renfroe – A Queens University genius. 
Maureen Ryan Griffin – Writer / Poet / Published author / Teacher
Hannah Sandoval / Purple Pen and Author 
Josey Hill / taught me a bit about Hemingway
Aneesha Roy 
Marguerite Nocchi / We will say, “I knew her when.” 
Patricia “Trish” Benesh, EdD — She successfully sets writers on the right path. Pat sent me my first ten pages of critique in 1993. Life changing.